Monday, September 30, 2019

An Analysis of Antwone Fisher Essay

Abstract Antwone Fisher is a story about a young man and his life as he grows from an abandoned child to a young petty officer in the Navy. But the crux of the story centers on his reactions to all of the negative events of his life. It is based a true story and has some reoccurring themes throughout. However, despite these reoccurrences, the messages are subtle and this where the soul of the story resides. Read more: Good people David foster Wallace summary  essay An Analysis of Antwone Fisher The movie Antwone Fisher is a personal narrative about a young African-American man’s struggle with his past. The main character is Antwone Fisher, a Navy Petty Officer whose father was killed two months before his birth and mother abandoned him shortly after his birth. Antwone is raised in an abusive foster home by Rev. Tate and his wife Ms. Tate. After an argument with Ms. Tate, Antwone is kicked out of the foster home and forced into a life of homelessness as a teenager for a short period of time and then joins the Navy. Once aboard ship, he is directly involved in a fight and is sent to see a Navy psychiatrist, Dr. Jerome Davenport. Antwone’s reluctance to talk to Dr. Davenport during the initial visit, results in Dr. Davenport informing Antwone that his first session doesn’t start until he begins to talk and that there will only be a total of three sessions. Eventually, the two develop a working relationship that evolves into something more meaningful as Ant wone begins to open up and talk about his past. The movie begins with Antwone dreaming of himself as a young boy, standing out in a field all alone facing a barn. He is greeted by a man who takes his hand and leads him into the barn filled with his all of his ancestors standing around a long table. The table is covered with food and as Antwone is lead to the head of the table, he takes a seat. A plate of pancakes is placed before him. Abruptly, the sound of a cow bell followed by the sound of a gunshot awakens Antwone out of his dream and he realizes he is actually lying in his bunk aboard ship. This dream is significant for a couple of reasons. The fact that Antwone is surrounded by all of his ancestors implies how much Antwone wants to have a sense of belonging and acceptance within the context of a family. Taking a seat at the head of the table represents the desire to feel proud about his family, as opposed to shame about the lack of his familial upbringing. This dream is not the only incident of its kind, as Antwone’s past is played out through a series of recollections that gives the viewer insight into whom Antwone Fisher is and why he behaves the way he does. After awakening from the dream, Antwone heads to the ship’s bathroom to groom himself for the day ahead. While Fisher wipes his face, a Caucasian shipmate asks â€Å"Is there something on your face.† Fisher ignites into a rage, punching and choking him. This incident aboard ship is another indication of the anger that resides within Fisher. More importantly, understanding why this anger is present is central to understanding the character. Through his visits with Dr. Davenport, Antwone slowly begins to recount his past; including instances of abuse and neglect he suffered at the hands of Miss. Tate while growing up. In the first session, which does not begin until Antwone decides to talk, he tells Dr. Davenport about how his mother failed to come claim him after her release from prison and Antwone spends the first two years of his life in an orphanage. Dr. Davenport then asks the question, â€Å"How does this make you feel.† Antwone exclaims, â€Å"Rainy days.† â€Å"Kids expect it to rain sometimes but for one kid it rained too much.† This is a subtle but important metaphor that Antwone uses to describe how he felt as a child; like a kid who wants to go out and play but can’t because of â€Å"rainy days .† Again in this case, the subtlety in what is not being said by the client is just as important as what is being said. This description infers the condition of someone who, because of circumstances not of his own making and beyond his control is being restrained from activity. It infers a lack of freedom. During Antwone’s second session, he describes how Miss. Tate psychologically abuses him and his foster brothers, Keith, whom Antwone describes as being half white and Dwight. He tells Dr. Davenport how Miss. Tate beat them and constantly called them â€Å"nigger†, although she herself was black. Fisher goes on to tell Dr. Davenport about how she often pitted one child against another and told the darker-skinned Dwight and Antwone that they were not as good as the lighter-skinned Keith, although neither of them escaped being called â€Å"nigger†. Then Dr. Davenport asks Antwone if Miss. Tate was ever nice to them. Antwone says yes, and refers to those times when she was nice to them as â€Å"chummy times†. He goes on to say that he could tell what kind of day it would be when he awoke by the scent in the air. If the smell of grits and eggs or wet pavement was in the air, he had to watch out the entire day, but if the smell of pancakes was in the air, it was going to be a good day. This symbolism is referenced in the first scene of the movie during Antwone’s dream. In the dream, when he takes a seat at the head of the table, a plate of pancakes is placed before him. The pancakes represent â€Å"chummy times†. These times represent the periods when Antwone felt free from the persistent harassment and scolding of Miss. Tate. When asked if Miss. Tate cooked pancakes often, Antwone replies, No sir. The second session ends on this note. The third session begins with Antwone telling Dr. Davenport about his dream the night before. More importantly, he tells Dr. Davenport about the confrontation with Miss. Tate that led to him being kicked out of the Tate home. The confrontation culminates in Antwone taking the same shoe from Miss Tate that she was trying to beat him with. Antwone described the feeling of power during this moment. He said, â€Å"It felt like I won a prize† (Fisher, 2002). Since birth Antwone Fisher never had control over his own life. The â€Å"prize† Antwone is describing is the feeling of being in control over his life for the first time. Dr. Davenport gives Antwone a book called The Slave Community, and explains that what he went through with the Tates was in part due to result of the treatment that slaves received from their masters during slavery and then is passed on to the slave’s children, generation to generation right on down to the Tates. This too is an important aspect of the counseling relationship between the two, because although it does not justify, at least it explains some of the behavior of the Tates, which might help Antwone to understand some of what he has gone through. Dr. Davenport explains that we all have choices and it is up to each individual to make the right choices. He goes on to say that despite the fact that Antwone has the right to be angry, it is up to him to channel that energy constructively. He tells Antwone to use that energy to benefit himself. Dr. Davenport then informs Antwone that this completes their third session and that he will recommend that Antwone be given a second chance to remain in the Navy. As Antwone leaves Dr. Davenport’s office the impression is one full of anxiety as Antwone rushes out of the office. However, after experiencing another incident aboard the ship, where Antwone’s anger nearly embroils him in a fight, he returns to the waiting area of Dr. Davenp ort’s office and is the source of a scene where he gets the undivided attention and angst of Dr. Davenport. Antwone explains that he feels lost and doesn’t know what to do and walks out of the office, leaving Dr. Davenport speechless and in thought. After some consideration Dr. Davenport contacts Antwone aboard his ship and informs him that if he is willing, they can continue their sessions after working hours. It is from these sessions that the therapeutic relationship changes into almost a father /son relationship. Apparently, Dr. Davenport made the decision to cross the therapist/client boundary in order to help Antwone. I believe that this was a conscious choice on behalf of Dr. Davenport despite the risks involved. Despite the attempt by Dr. Davenport to modify Antwone’s behavior, he is involved in yet another fight while on liberty, and is detained by the proper authorities. When Dr. Davenport is notified, he goes to see Antwone to discuss what happened. After a brief explanation, Antwone tells the doctor about how he was sexually abused repeatedly by a baby sitter as a boy. Antwone would seek refuge at his best friend Jesse’s house. Jesse was the only person that Antwone ever told about the sexual abuse unti l Dr. Davenport. It is important to note here what caused Antwone to react violently this time. Antwone has trigger points that cause him to dissonance and the only way he knows how to handle this dissonance within him is to react the way he does. These trigger points are all issues from his past. Unresolved issues that he has yet to deal with and the shame that goes along with those issues. The lack of a family structure and abandonment issues, the racial issues and self-hatred, the lack of being in control of his life, and the sexual abuse are all points of contention within Antwone Fisher that cause him to want to fight the source of the dissonance at that particular time. Anything that can remind him of his shameful past can trigger an episode. After a Thanksgiving Day invite by Dr. Davenport, Antwone is again reminded of his â€Å"inadequacy† when Dr. Davenport’s father innocently asks the question, â€Å"I bet you miss your mother’s holiday cooking. Don’t you† (Fisher, 2002). Instead of reacting with anger Antwone quietly excuses himself from the table, and retreats into another room. This nonviolent reaction represents growth on Antwone’s part. Shortly thereafter he is joined by Dr. Davenport. Antwone hands him a poem that he wrote. After reading the poem Dr. Davenport advises Antwone about how important it is that he locate his biological family. Antwone responds with, â€Å"Why do I need my family when I got you doc† (Fisher, 2002). It is at this point when Dr. Davenport realizes that the risk he took to allow Antwone to breach the client/therapist relationship may have unintended consequences that he failed to consider. Antwone has become comfortable in knowing and meeting Dr. Davenport’s family, but this is not what he needs to keep growing into the person he needs to become. To keep growing into that person, Antwone needs to seek out his own biological family so that all of the unanswered questions can be answered. Dr. Davenport realizes this now and knows what he must do. Dr. Davenport meets Antwone aboard the ship to tell him that the time has come to end their sessions. Breaking the news to Antwone results in him feeling abandoned all over again and his anger rises to the surface once more. This time there is a constructive purpose, as his anger yields the recollection of what happened to his childhood best friend, Jesse. Antwone tells the story of how Jesse was shot and killed trying to rob a neighborhood store. Antwone witnessed the entire ordeal and remembers how he heard the cow bell ringing above the store door after seeing his best friend shot dead on the floor. Again this is symbolism from the first scene in the movie where Antwone is awakened out of his dream by the sound of a gunshot and the ringing of cow bells. These sounds are auditory reminders of that incident and the day that his best friend â€Å"abandoned† him. Dr. Davenport hugs Antwone and tells him to contact him once he finds his family to tell him all about it. From this point the stage is set for Antwone to locate his biological family. Antwone takes leave from the Navy and travels to his hometown Cleveland, Ohio, to find his family. On the day he arrives it is raining. The trip turns out to be a first on several fronts as Antwone loses his virginity, confronts Miss Tate and the woman who sexually abused him as a child. He also receives an important piece of information, the name of his father, which he never knew. Using the area phone book Antwone uses this information to track down some possible relatives and sets up a meeting the next day. On the following day it is raining again as Antwone meets his prospective aunt and uncle and is taken to meet his mother, whom he has not seen since birth. Upon arrival Antwone is timid and walks up to his mother’s place to meet her. After entering, he meets his mother, who reacts with shock after seeing her first born son. Antwone’s first question is â€Å"Why did you never come for me (Fisher, 2002). He asks several questions and then proceeds to tell his mother about his life and telling her how he has longed for her for many years. He wants his mother to know what kind of person he has become . That he is a good person and a good man. He kisses her on the cheek as if to say â€Å"I forgive you†, and walks out of the apartment. After returning to his aunt’s house he is greeted by many members of his newly found family and introductions ensue. Then he is lead to two doors that open to reveal the elders of his family, sitting at a banquet table. On the table lies a feast, in celebration of his homecoming, including pancakes. Antwone Fisher sits down at the end of the banquet table and is given an approval by the eldest elder and once again it is what is not said during this moment that carries the most weight. The rest of the family rushes in to begin the feast. After returning to the Naval base Antwone waits outside Dr. Davenport’s office and when Dr. Davenport comes out, Antwone tells him that he has met his family and thanks him for his influence. Alternately, Dr. Davenport thanks Antwone for his effect on his life also. The Antwone Fisher story is about confronting the past, and learning from the present. It is a story about the power of relationships and second chances. Ultimately, it is the story about the self-determination of a young man, and his journey from shame and brokenness to forgiveness and wholeness. Let the church say Amen. References Fisher A 2002 Antwone FisherFisher, A. (2002). Antwone Fisher [Motion Picture]. : Twentieth Century Fox.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Factors Leading to Social Illness Among Teenagers Essay

Teenagers nowadays are very different with teenagers before then. Today,teenagers are getting wilder and tend to have more fun than they should.Rotten teenagers smoked, drink alcohols before they reach maturity, goclubbing and partying, have sex before marriage, involved in drugs, and a lotmore unhealthy activities that are not only useless and wasting their time butare also affecting their health. When asked, why do teenagers love this kind of lifestyle, their answerwould be easy, â€Å"Because this is the way teenagers of this era lived†. How sad itis to think about the social ills among teenagers these days. They preferred to be‘in the crowd’ rather than focussing on how to excel brilliantly in theirexaminations.One of the factors of why social ills are getting worse among teenagersthese days is less attention by their parents. This is a major issue. Today’sparents are very busy focussing on their careers until sometimes they seem toforget their responsibilities as parents. Children who feel lonely due to the lack of time spent with their parents will find new ways to live up their life. They start tosmoke, take drugs and socialising. Once they reach adolescence, children startto abuse the freedom that their parents give to them and become a ‘wild child’. Problems happening inside the home could also lead to social ills amongteenagers. Teenagers are easily stressed and depressed with the situation athome. They could be emotionally affected by divorcing of parents, death of family members, pressure by family to maintain good results, and many moreproblems. Because of too much tension, teenagers have the tendency to involvethemselves in the social ills, in order to release their stress and depression.Another factor that also causes the social ills to get worse is the influencesby friends. A teenager may have chosen wrong friends for him. Friends with badreputation and attitude problems will surely influence their friends to join themand have the blast of dating, clubbing, partying, drinking alcohols and manymore social activities that could ruin the innocence of a child. It is very easy toinfluence teenagers on trying new things as at this stage of life, they are still notvery sure of life and have the feeling of wanting to experience every single newthing in life if possible. Therefore, it is very easy to ‘pull’ teenagers into the worldof social ills. This issue must be looked into seriously as young generation of today arethe leaders of tomorrow. How could they lead the country in the future if theycontinue to mingle in social ills which will eventually destroy themselvesphysically and mentally? Serious actions should be taken immediately byparents, teachers, schools, societies and authorities to stop this issue fromgetting worse. Teenagers should be taught the real meaning of life. They need tochange for the sake of better and brighter future of the world.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Teen Pregnancy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Teen Pregnancy - Research Paper Example At least 60% of the children born to adolescent mothers are due to unwanted pregnancies (Mary et al 2001). In today’s society teen pregnancy is growing at an alarming rate even though the overall percentage of teen pregnancy is lower the question that arises is it still a huge problem that needs to be addressed immediately? For many countries teenage pregnancy is not a significant issue. For them it’s just a minor concern. Some even think that if children at an adolescence age do get involved in pregnancy matters it can be tackled. Is it so? People fail to comprehend the negative impact such matters bring to the community. Teenage pregnancy remains an issue for society at large although abstinence and the use of contraceptives is taught but still to no avail. Adolescent childbearing brings about negative impact on the teenager, the infant, teenagers parents and to the community. Very less option for future are left for the girls who become pregnant during their teen age. Lack of good education is one of the prime causes of teenage pregnancy. Being deterministic and effective firmly decides the goals one sets for himself/herself along with how much effort they put in and how long they strive despite the barriers they face. Not to forget the effort to recover in case if they lose. Students with no deterministic or effective approach tend to fall for such activities. An adolescent boy or a girl who are acquiring high educational goals are very rarely become teenage parents. Also parents who have high educational expectations from their teenage children make sure that their teens never get involved in such activities. The lack of care, family support, love, loyalty and importance pushes children to look for these feelings in someone else. Children from broken home (parents separated or divorced) or those children who have been

Friday, September 27, 2019

Situated Learning and Social Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Situated Learning and Social Learning - Essay Example He realizes that learning is more effective when done in a group, especially when the learner gets hand-on experience. In the classroom, the student is made to learn abstract things which he may not relate to real life. . The student is presented with cold, uninspiring facts packaged in glossy books, beautiful classrooms and scientific rules. The result is, the student no longer enjoys the poetry he reads nor does any value learning take place from the other classes he attends, except dry jargon and clichs. Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, in their book, "Situated Learning : Legitimate Peripheral Participation," make a strong case for Situated learning with its emphasis on the contextual setting and .social interaction. While people learn things easily and faster under the conditions of legitimate peripheral participation (LPP), it has some major drawbacks such as the model exerting subtle influence on the learners, so that they learn socially unacceptable behaviour like aggression . According to Lave and Wenger. Legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) occurs when the learner begins to move from the periphery of the community to its center. Social interaction is of paramount importance in situated learning, with learners becoming involved in "community practice". Situated learning, according to the authors, is mostly unintentional, as opposed to deliberate learning. We see examples of situated learning in the case of pre-schoolers, who learn to recite nursery rhymes or tell stories, seeing their peers do the same .Situated learning happens when a visitor to a country learns its language entirely by interacting with the local people. Situated learning has other proponents such as Brown, Collins and Duguid (1989) who propose the idea of "cognitive apprenticeship". According to Schoenfeld, mathematical problem solving is also a form of situated learning. As all mathematics teachers know, when the students are encouraged to think of mathematics is everyday life context, they learn better and the mathematical problems are solved faster. Children seem to understand mathematics better when they relate it to real life situations and solve it in a group.(Schoenfeld) A requirement of situated learning is that knowledge should be presented in situations where the knowledge would apply. For instance, in a lesson on friction in physics, the learner would understand the concept better when he or she is made to experience the friction between a nut and bolt when they are not oiled, and when they are oiled. An apprentice nurse would learn how to lift the patient better by doing it in the hospital than by reading about it in the classroom. Similarly, an apprentice mechanic learns how to repair your car by hands on experience A visitor in France would quickly learn French as well as the typical gestures of the French people. Situated learning happens when a child learns its mother tongue easily. The same child finds it difficult to learn a foreign language at school . According to William P. Hanks, situated learning "takes as its focus the relationship between learning and the social situation in which it

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Design, Culture, and Adaptation (CASE) Module 2 Essay

Organizational Design, Culture, and Adaptation (CASE) Module 2 - Essay Example The CARE program was created in 2005 by Martha Holden. The program was created at the Cornell University Family Life Development Center (CUFLDC). The program was tested and adapted by the Waterford Country School. The structure and model of the program can be compared to the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention model of 1994 also adapted from CUFLDC. The core focus of the program is to improve organizational support and leadership competencies. Additionally, the program aims at enhancing consistency within and across the care staff with relation to how they respond to, react to, and think about the needs of the children within their care setting. The program is created upon the theory of change which states that staff is viable in handling children issues if it’s able to improve its understanding about child development issues caused by trauma. The implementation of the CARE program will resolve the issues mentioned in question one through (1) creating room for children to relate and connect with their surrounding better – e.g. creating attachments with parents, (2) building skills and reliability in children both at home at within the care setting, (3) focusing on the issues that affect the development of children based on their trauma history, (4) creating teamwork between care providers and children’s families in care and treatment provision, and (5) creating more opportunities in the provision of child care within the environment. The resolution of these issues shows that the program aims at drawing all stakeholders of a child’s life close together for the benefit of the child. For instance, a child traumatic history can be a result of family issues that a care provider may not be able to understand fully from the child’s behavior or anti-social tendencies (Holden, 2009). If I were the program manager for the CARE program, one among the highly regarded competencies of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

E-Business , E-Commerce and Information System Case Study

E-Business , E-Commerce and Information System - Case Study Example ips with the customers and the development of a better website will allow PharmQuip to gather useful customer data and retain the customers’ loyalty. The global healthcare equipment industry is anticipated to grow around 5% more till the year 2012. Therefore this is the best opportunity for the company to go global and increase its market share. The developing countries such as Pakistan, India and Malaysia are the most attractive markets because these markets are not concentrated, hence, the demand for healthcare equipment for the disabled will be much higher than in developed countries. NGOs have played another role in creating demand for healthcare equipment as 1500 jobs were created in India in 2005 for the handicaps. The physically challenged individuals who go to jobs or are living alone are the main target segment for PharQuip. Although the international expansion looks very attractive at first glance but it presents a number of issues. As the PharmQuip business will ent er the global arena, it will require more ICT resources and streamlining of the current processes to meet the demand of international healthcare retailers and chemists. The company will need to employ more security measures to enhance the current payment system for its B2B customers. Security of customer data and supplier information will also be needed and will require significant expenditure when the company goes global. A higher budget will be required to advertise and for the promotional strategy to be implemented in all the countries where the company will operate. The single greatest risk that the company faces is from the changes in technologies and introduction of lower cost healthcare equipment. New regulatory requirements can be introduced in the countries which can harm the business. Other risks are the changes in the market dynamics, introduction of alternatives to healthcare equipments and breakthroughs in biotechnologies which can cure the physical disabilities of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Internation World AIDS Charity Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internation World AIDS Charity Day - Essay Example The rationale of the event is to collect money that can be used to subsidize the medication for management of AIDS in the affected countries (Sharon, 2011). Our goal is ensure that every person infected with AIDS gets the required medication regardless of individual economic status. The event is on its 20th year and so far over six hundred billion dollars have been raised. It has attracted the support of many international celebrities who have contributed both materially and in kind for the cause. Our vision is to raise sufficient funds to finance not only the purchase of drugs but also raise public awareness on the issues related to AIDS. We also seek to encourage further research on finding a cure for AIDS. To this end, our long term strategy is to work with the leading pharmaceutical companies and researchers to put more effort in finding a cure for the disease. The date of the ceremonial commemoration is on 1st July. The chosen location will be in London. Other commemorations wil l be marked in all major cities in the world. The venue will be at the Oxygen arena. All proceeds from the event will go to charity. Strategic Aims Objectively, the event seeks to raise funds for the purchase and supply of drugs for the treatment of AIDS victims in the developing countries. We intend to raise fifty million dollars that will be used to buy the drugs to be distributed in these countries. We also intend to secure commitments from world leaders that this scourge will be tamed and appropriate programs will be put in place to curb its spread. The â€Å"AIDS free world† accord which details elaborate plans to wipe out the pandemic will be presented to the leaders to persuade them to take deliberate measures to lower the rates of new infections in their countries. In addition, the event also aims to put more emphasis on the research for a permanent cure for the disease. Research on this field has been sluggish. Consequently, the event aims to gain a clear commitment from leading pharmaceutical companies and researchers that research for a cure will be given a priority. Objectives One of our objectives is to raise funds towards the support of AIDS medication. Our target is to raise over fifty million shillings in cash. To obtain these funds, we will design arm bands, t-shirts, caps, and bandanas to target people attending the event. The sales will begin on days set before the start of the major event. In addition, branded merchandise will be availed in selected outlets to make them accessible to the public. Another strategy to raise funds will be through organizing a charity concert before the main event. Leading musicians will be invited to entertain participants at a nominal fee. In fact, the invitation of leading artistes will serve a twofold function of attracting larger crowds to the concert and also increase the sales of the branded merchandise. The event will also run an online campaign through the social networking sites to raise funds. We intend to spur online interest on AIDS as an imminent threat to humanity. The other objective for the event is to raise awareness concerning AIDS in the developing countries. The rate of HIV/AIDS infections is highest in the developing countries. The disease is most prevalent in African countries. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about forty percent of the documented infections (Luter, 2010). The implications are dire considering that most of those infected are the breadwinners for their families. The result is that their

Monday, September 23, 2019

(Choose one question) which you are interesting and I get good marks Essay

(Choose one question) which you are interesting and I get good marks. 1.How might the type of good exported affect the growth - Essay Example A country may be in a better position to export a certain product or services for various reasons. A country can export products and services if it is the single supplier of a certain product, particularly when it has access to natural resources that other are not endowed with. Some countries are also in a better position to make a certain product at a fairly lower cost than other countries .The reason is that a country may have the absolute advantage in producing a certain product over others. Absolute advantage in international trade implies that a country can produce a product at a cheaper price than others. The concept of balance of trade results from the import export business. Balance of trade is the difference between the quantity of exports and the quantity of imports. When exports exceed imports, trade surplus results while a trade deficit results when the quantity of imports exceeds that of exports. There exist two types of final products for export. Traditional products, w hich are produced using labour intensive skills, and high-tech products which are made using differentiated intermediate goods (Andersen & Babula, 2008, p. 10). When a country engages in international trade, it registers economic growth especially when its products are in high demand. Factors determining export led growth include demand, competitiveness and the rate of exchange. Growth is initiated by an increase in demand for exports. If the spread effects are potent as the export sector grows so the domestic sectors will too. Spread effects refer to prosperity flowing from exporting products and services in international trade. The competitiveness of a country’s product increases the demand for exports. This implies that the demand for what a country sells increases. Depreciation in the rate of exchange makes exports more competitive, thereby increasing demand. Depreciation of the exchange depends on the elasticity of demand for exports (Felipe, 2010, p. 260). The depreciat ion of a country’s currency in international trade depends with the changes in demand of a country’s exports. Opening up trade can improve the allocation of resources, eventually changing the production function upwards and increasing the per capita income level. Production function relates the output of a country to the amount of inputs. Input in this case refers to capital and labor as factors of production. Production function also refers to the relationship in which output increases as more units of input are employed in production. There is a relationship between international competitiveness if a country’s export and economic growth. Keynesian perspective explains this kind of growth as being demand-driven and that exports make up the exogenous component of collective demand that propels income growth. Exogenous component in this context refers to external/foreign/international components that drive internal growth of a company. Additionally, a fast growth of exports and output tends to set up a virtuous circle of growth through the connection between output growth and production growth. From a neoclassical endogenous growth point of view, a connection between exports and growth may be vindicated since the opening up of trade may be an incentive to a higher rate of endogenous technological change. A study conducted by Maizels in 1963 established a noteworthy relationship between the relative growth of the prime industrial nations and their share of the global export market in manufactures (Meliciani, 2001, p.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rewards Managemnet of Adidas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Rewards Managemnet of Adidas - Essay Example Introduction Adidas is a manufacturer of sports apparel and is consists of a Reebok company. Adidas was founded by Adi Dassler’s Whose aim was to ensure that every athlete with the necessary equipment (Adidas Group, 2010). The company was started in 1920 when Adi Dassler’s made the first shoe for sporting activity. Adidas has realized tremendous growth and has expanded because of their products that are preferred because of their quality and design .Adidas produces products like watches, shirts, bags and other sports related clothes (Adidas Group, 2010). The company has its products distributed across the globe and their brand is one of the most preferred by sport fans and players. In terms of employees, the company has a total of 42541 according to 2010 results and about 14250 working in Adidas headquarters (Adidas Group, 2010). The largest number of employees are the retailers. The FIFA games are a major source of success to the company. During such admired and renown ed sports, the company realizes a high turnover in their products hence more profits. The different products of the company have also been very instrumental in the reduction in fluctuations in return. As a sportswear manufacturer, Adidas main customer segments are the sports fan and other teams that prefer their clothes and other playing instruments (Adidas Group, 2010). ... The organization workers remuneration should reflect their value to the company. Reward management is therefore concerned with formulating, implementing, and reviewing of the employee reward system to ensure that the employees efforts are recognized in the attainment of the organizations goals (Redfern, 2009). Employees reward system should motivate the employees in offering their services to the organization. It is therefore an indispensable segment of management that must be closely monitored by the organization in their effort to ensure organizations success (Geoff & Druker, 2005). Human resource academicians have therefore developed an interest in the study of reward systems and have developed theories to explain the need why organizations should develop effective reward systems. One such reason why employees should be rewarded is to motivate employees and involve them in the distribution of the returns of the organization (Blyton & Turnbull, 1992). Purpose of a Reward System Org anizations reward their employees in order to attract the right employees for the right jobs at the right time (Heneman, 2002). Reward system is also maintained for the purpose of retaining the employees of the organizations by recognizing their efforts and contribution in the work place. Finally, employees will also be rewarded for the purpose of motivating the employees in order for them to do their maximum in the attainment of organizational objectives (Grant, 1990). These three are the primary reasons as to why employers will reward their workers. According to Shields (2007) other reasons why employees are rewarded and that form the essential characteristics of a good reward system include: Need fulfillment i.e. the employees reward should be

Saturday, September 21, 2019

David Camerons First Speech as Prime Minister Essay Example for Free

David Camerons First Speech as Prime Minister Essay This political speech made by United Kingdom’s new prime minister David Cameron in May 2010 could be considered the beginning of a new era in the politics of the country because, for the first time after World War II, Britain would have a coalition government. David Cameron (born in London in 1966) was elected leader of the Conservative Party in December 2005. He has modernised his Party, the Conservatives, by introducing new ideas such as the environmental defence, gay rights and abortion. He has a fresh, young and moderate image. The conservative leader gave this speech outside No 10 Downing Street right after being appointed Prime Minister. Cameron clearly describes UK’s social and economic situation and points out the main challenges he will have to face during his office. He addresses to the citizens and ask them for their help, but also to the political parties. In fact, one of his objectives for the term is to reform Parliament and to end with two-parties system. Cameron starts thanking the outgoing prime minister, Labour’s Gordon Brown, who succeeded Tony Blair in June 2007. Brown resigned in 11 May 2010 since the general elections left no party able to govern on its own and he could not reach an agreement with the Liberal Democrats to form a government. Labour Party was weak after ruling for 13 years and finally the Liberal opted for the Conservatives, despite they are not so close ideologically to the Tories. The Liberal, with 23% of the seats, and the Conservatives, with 36,1% of the seats, formed a coalition with Cameron as prime minister and Nick Clegg as deputy PM. As Cameron explains in his speech, UK is in need of a strong and stable government, and both parties are willing to work together in spite of their differences. Cameron details as well some of UK’s currents problems, basically the economic crisis and the reform of the political system. In this regard, Clegg had already said during his campaign that UK was immersed in a transition from the twosystem party to a more plural politics. According to him, this is a reform that any government should do to make people trust again in politics. Cameron didn’t agree with Clegg, although it was something he had to accept to make a pact with the Liberals. The Labour Party had already made some changes in the House of Lords, but deeper reforms are needed to finish with the present system, that favours the majority parties (Conservatives and Labour) and is detrimental to third parties. At present the First-Past-The-Post (or simple majority) system is followed in general and local elections. That means that the winner in each of the 650 electoral district gets a seat and all the rest of the votes are wasted. In consequence, the seats obtained by a party are not a real representation of the number of votes. It could even happen that the winner had more people voting against him that for him. Although it provides the country with stable and strong governments, this system has been questioned specially with the raise of the Liberal party, that in May was key to form a government. A referendum on the Alternative vote system is planned for citizens to decide. In the second part of this speech Cameron sends a message to the British society as he says that real change will only be achieved if â€Å"everyone pulls together, comes together, works together†. Cameron mentions some words that represent his centre-right position: freedom, fairness, family, values. At the same time, he is in some way anticipating the unpopular and hard measures he has taken recently. After six months in the government, the coalition has approved a plan to cut spending and reduce to a half deficit, which is the largest structural budget deficit in Europe. The measures of the spending review are not popular: around 500,000 public jobs could be lost in four years; the retirement age will be raised from 65 to 66 years by 2020; rents will be raised for new tenants in council housing; and police budget has been reduced by 20%. Changes will be also introduced in the unemployment subsidies, so that claimants who refuse three job offers will lose their allowance. Students have reacted by protesting violently in front of the Conservative headquarters. They complain specially about the raise in the tuition fees, that will be multiplied by three. The spending review is also facing critics of the Institute of Fiscal Studies: the think-thank believes that the poor will be the most affected by the measures. During the campaign Labour, Liberal and Conservatives agreed on the need to cut spending, but the proposal of Cameron was the hardest. At the same time, the Tories thought the reforms had to start immediately, while the Labour preferred to wait a year until the economic recovery was consolidated. Indeed, some fear that the spending review will not help UK to get out of the crisis, and they claim that the present difficulties are only an excuse to reduce the power of the state (an important principle in the Conservatives’ ideology). On the other side, Conservatives think that the private sector will be able to support the economy and will be reinforced, in spite of the cutback in spending. It is beyond doubt that the financial crisis has affected deeply all Europe, and that something had to be done to reduce the number of British citizens living on the governments subsidies. But it is not that clear that such strong measures had to be taken. UK’s economic situation is not as bad as other countries in Europe (like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain) and it is still an economic leader. At present I find difficult to say if Cameron’s decision is economically o politically driven. Only time will tell if the consequences on society, and specially on the poorest groups, were really disastrous or only a reasonable price to pay. Regarding Cameron’s intention to reform Parliament and the political system, it seems more like a requirement from the Liberal than a real wish. The Liberal were not as successful as they expected in the general elections, but they still were decisive to form a government. Consequently it could be expected that they wanted to assure to be more represented in upcoming ballots. Both Cameron and Clegg proved to be able to make concessions six months ago. It is already a good beginning, but Cameron has a difficult task in front of him. He brings a progressive message, but he represents a Conservative party. And he will have to negotiate with his partner in the government. I think it is still to early to judge Cameron’s ability to renovate political life and make UK get out of the country.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Foundations For Safeguarding Children Children And Young People Essay

Foundations For Safeguarding Children Children And Young People Essay In this assignment I will cover what safe guarding means and what legislations have been put into place to support children young people and families. I will also discuss the different types of abuse that children can be affected by. I will also relate to different theories that are linked to child abuse. Safeguarding children legislation and procedures was put into place to avoid child abuse. . Safeguarding is a multi-disciplinary team that work together to reduce the risk of children who dont receive basic child protection, safeguarding aims to prevent the lack of childrens health and also safeguards children from maltreatment and ensures children have a safe, effective environment at home. The safeguarding legislation was bought into place in order to protect children from getting abused. The legislation protects children from the following, Protecting children from mistreatment Preventing impairment of childrens health and development Ensures children are growing up in conditions with provision of safe an effective care. The following means that every child should have the above in order for them fulfil everything they want. On the other hand not all children have the opportunity as they get abused and neglected. 16% of children (1 in 6) experience serious maltreatment by parents, of whom one third experience more than one type of maltreatment. Cawson (2002). This quote shows that not all children have a good life as they are mistreated by parents. There are numerous types of child abuse physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Physical harm is when an adult intentionally harms a child is physical abuse. This can include hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, and slapping. Emotional abuse takes place through verbal cruelty for example continuous verbal attacks sexual abuse is when a child is forced in sexual activity they may not want do. The Persistent failure to meet a childs basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the childs health or development. Neglect is when the childs needs are not met for example adequate foods, water, shelter. If these needs are not persistently met children are being neglected. Abraham Maslow also states that the physiological needs to be met in order for a child to move to the next stage of the hierarchy. Child abuse is seen differently within the broad frame work there are different types of action, or inactions that could be measured abusive in their consequences for children. What others may consider as child abuse you may not consider as abuse. Children with repeated, hard to explain, injuries can be affected very seriously. The impact it has on children can be physical, psychological, behavioural and societal consequences. For example damage to a childs growing brain, can obligate to psychological effects such as cognitive delays and emotional difficulties. Child abuse affects a child in many ways as it has a major affect in their life and results in affecting their emotional feelings. There are many theories that link to why child abuse or neglect could take place in a childs life. One of the theories which could link to child abuse could be attachment this is where the child seeks attention from the mother the things this could involve would be crying, or any other way of attraction. Statistics show that Approximately 50,500 children in the UK are known to be at risk of abuse right now. This has been identified by the NSPCC. Research indicates that this is around 50,500 get neglected or abused. 10/11/2012 After the victoria climbe incident and baby p the government has put a lot of legislations in place in order for them to tackle child abuse, as child abuse has become very common. Below are a few of the legislations which i will look at in depth, Safeguarding Children 2008 Children Act 2004 Every Child Matters 2003 Common Assessment Framework 2006/7 Working Together To Safeguard Children 2007 These legislations are used by all practitioners to work together and ensure every child is safe and loved for. Safeguarding has to be met by all practitioners to prevent any child from abuse or neglect. On the other hand there is a difference between safe guarding as child protection. Child protection is when multi agencies are obligatory to keep the children when they are at harm and to safeguard them. The following people can take action school teachers, school nurse, if it is not an education setting then police, social services and other organisations such as the NSPCC can take responsibility. Safeguarding children is very important in all settings to ensure children are in a safe environment. When working with children all staff have to undertake a CRB check to guarantee that all staff have a clear history and have no offences. If CRB checks are not carried out children could be at risk. All schools have safeguarding procedures in place in order for all the children to be in a safe environment. The common assessment framework was introduced after Lord Laming was appointed in April 2001 to chair a self-governing constitutional Investigation into the circumstances leading to and surrounding the death of Victoria Climbià ©. Victoria had been physically ill-treated by her great aunt Victoria and suffered many injuries. The common assessment framework was put into place in order to assess all children and young people to support earlier intervention, to develop communication amongst practitioners. The reason why victorias case was not dealt with appropriately was because agencies were not working together. This would not result now as all agencies work together and work as multi-disciplinary teams. This will benefit practitioner as well as keep the child. On the other hand the CAF has its positives and negatives. As they share information it is easier for practitioners to resolve the problem quickly. The CAF is to be used for children who have additional needs in one or more of three areas: Their development and growth Extra learning requirements Family and environmental problems and any precise needs of the parent/ carer. Working together to safeguard children was also put in place after the death of victoria Climbià ©. This legislation focuses on all settings to work together to safeguard children. It also allows families and children to access services that are available to them if they need any help or support. ECM stands for Every Child Matters. Its a green paper which means that it is not yet legislation and hasnt become a white paper. The reason for ECM is to get rid of inequality and improve the life of children that arent well off. This green paper is a follow on from the paper that Laming produced after Victoria Climbies death. Cheminais (2008) writes that there are five outcomes for Every Child Matters. These are be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing. By being healthy the child should be physically, emotionally and mentally well. They should have a healthy was of living. An example of this would be eating healthy and exercising. It is not only the childs responsibility to keep themselves healthy but also their parents and anyone that works with them. Staying safe is about being safe from bullying or any harm and injury. This also means having a steady home environment. To enjoy and achieve is to have fun whilst learning and not be doing something that makes them feel uncomfortable, rather be doing something that makes them happy. Making a positive contribution is to be supportive of others but also to have your own opinions. To have confidence and have a positive attitude on the outlook of life. Economics is to do with finance and money. The child should be supported by parents and their home should not have a low income. The child should also be able to have access to good materials and be prepared to work and go in to higher education if they want. Throughout all these five outcomes the child should be supported and guided with the help of parents and other people that care for the child. However this puts more pressure on teachers as they have to take more responsibility. Some teachers do say that their job is to teach the children and not be another parent type figure to them. The role of the teacher is to realise when a child is uncomfortable and to find out why. To notice any abuse or neglect. Practitioners should work with other agencies and share information so that the issue at hand can be dealt with. Teachers must observe the way children play. Smith (2008, p50) writes about the signs of recognising child abuse and neglect. The signs can be the child using toys to act out sexual experiences, drawings of abuse, being afraid of a person or not wanting to go home. The child might develop aggressive behaviour or the opposite, hostile, withdrawn behaviour. They also might have bruising or unexplained injuries and when asked, the child might give a shaky answer or tell a lie. The parent may also lie when brought in to discuss the child. Disguised compliance is another way the parents might make the services and teachers think that things are getting better or are resolved. They will go along with what the authorities say and after a while return to how it was before. The parent or parents only do this as a way of putting up and act. There are techniques in which disclosures of abuse must be dealt with and responded to. Dare and ODonovan (2000) write that when a child discloses in you, you must be calm about it. You shouldnt be shocked or keep asking the child what happened. This will only make them not want to say anything. You must reassure them but also let them know that what they have told you cant be kept confidential. The named member of staff must be told about what has been disclosed in you. The practitioner must know how to record information and where it is kept. The practitioner must also keep in control of their emotions. They will have to deal with parents and the child. Kids First (2009, online) describe how to make a report when calling the social services. Basic details must be given such as the name, age and address of the child as well as their parent or guardians name. The state of the child, for example if any abuse has taken place and if there are injuries. Where the child is being kept whil e the report is being made and if possible say if any harmful substances or objects are being kept at the childs home or anything that could put the child at risk. The points that were in the introduction have been discusses as well as being expanded on. There have been references throughout from both books and online to support the points that were made in this assignment. References Safeguarding Online 2003. House of Commons. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 12]. Medical news today. 2012. What Is Child Abuse? What Is Child Neglect?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 12]. Melinda Smith and Jeanne Segal,. 2012. HelpGuide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 November 12]. Neglect quote Books Damien Fitzgerald, (2007). Working Together in Childrens Services. 1 Edition. Routledge Jennie Lindon, (2003). Child Protection.2nd Edition. Hodder Education. Barbara Lindon, (2003). Contemporary Child Care Policy and Practice. Edition. Palgrave

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is the Cause of Terrorism Islam, or Foreign Policy? :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

Was the Cause of September 11 Islam or Foreign Policy? George W. Bush has taken a stand on the true nature of Islam, calling it, for instance, a "religion of peace." As strange as this is to hear from the president of the United States, Bush's declarations have given rise to a good deal of useful public discussion about Islam. Unfortunately, this discussion has too often accepted the confused terms of the president's rhetoric: Is there, or is there not, something wrong in the nature of Islam? Salman Rushdie ("Yes, This is About Islam," New York Times 11/2/01) and Jonathan Ebel ("Territory is Not Mind," Sightings 11/15/01) both make some useful points in the process of taking up the question, but somehow leave standing the president's fundamental misconception that a religion has an essence. Surely it is not fair to say that September 11 is "about" Islam. Violent hatred and intolerance can be adduced in too many corners of the religious world to imagine that it comes, simply, from the doctrines of one holy book or another. At the same time, it is difficult for me to blame Salman Rushdie, especially, for perceiving something within Islam today that is prone to violence. His non-violent, literary attack on Islam was, after all, taken by some Muslims to justify very real threats to his life. And, he marshals some reasonable evidence that many Muslims do believe that Islam is on board with the September 11 terrorists. Still, we ought not to declare that September 11 is "about" Islam, especially if this means that we ignore "foreign policy, humanity, global society, and the just ordering thereof"-- which Ebel says are obviously what September 11 is also "about." Ebel's list implies that a larger, broader causal story needs to be told, rather than simply to say that Islam gave us the horrors of September 11. I agree wholeheartedly. Believing too simplistic a causal story carries both moral and practical flaws. If Islam itself -- or something in its nature -- was the cause of the attacks, we could only prevent further attacks by preventing further Islam. In this way, such a simplistic belief would tend to sanction persecution if not genocide against Muslims. From a practical standpoint, we will have to understand the details of the real, long-term causal story if we wish to minimize the threat of repeated terrorism in America.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jesus the Warrior in The Dream of the Rood Essay -- Poetry Analysis

The image of Jesus nailed to a wooden cross by the palms of his hands and with a crown of thorns wrapped around his head is one that has transcended all time barriers. It has inclusive been replicated into figure form that is utilized in various ways but whose primary function is to serve as a constant reminder of the physical suffering endured by Jesus. In The Dream of the Rood however, the perception of Jesus Christ as not only the son of God and savior of mankind but also as a human with the capacity to feel pain, is subverted when through the perspective of a personified cross he is conveyed as a warrior in the midst of combat. The portrayal of Jesus in this way immediately evokes the image of an ideal stereotypical hero who is strong, courageous, and unrelenting in appearance. Nevertheless, it can be said that this type of hero is more inclined towards fantasy than it is based on reality because these idealized heroic figures have only ever truly existed in a fictional universe. The depiction of Jesus as a warrior thus, undermines forms of heroism that stem from explicit suffering that is not concealed but rather expressed by the individual. In the text, Jesus is made out to be a warrior in a literal manner in order to accentuate his act of heroism. Although it can be argued that Jesus was in fact a warrior, this argument is only valid if speaking in figurative terms since being a warrior and fighting in battles was not his profession. Jesus is first identified as a warrior during a particular moment when the cross observes as, â€Å"[†¦] the young Hero stripped himself—[†¦]God Almighty—strong and stouthearted. He climbed on the high gallows bold in the sight of many when he would free mankind† (28). By referring to Jesus as a â€Å"h... ...eying these emotions. It is the expression these emotions that is mistaken for weakness. However, while it is true that warriors for the most part are viewed as heroic figures, it is not the armor or the seemingly courageous appearance that they put up in front of a crowd that defines them as heroes. The way that Jesus is presented in the bible does not make him any less of a hero when compared to the way he is portrayed in the poem. It is the action and motive behind the action that ultimately determines who is heroic. Works Cited †¢ Greenblatt, Stephen, and M. H. Abrams. "The Dream of The Rood." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006. 27-29. Print. †¢ Mark. The Holy Bible. The New King James Version ed. Thomas Nelson, 1985. Print. †¢ Mathew. The Holy Bible. The New King James Version ed. Thomas Nelson, 1985. Print.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence Essay

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence On April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, 13 people were killed and another 23 were wounded in one of the worst school killing incidents ever (Skeesis). Since the 1980's, overall homicide rates in the U.S. have declined. However, homicide rates for ages 14-17 have increased quite dramatically during this time period (Fox). Among other numerous potential causes, violence in the media may play a role in this increase in youth violence. Today, there is much controversy over the potential harmful effects of media violence on childrenà ­s lives. I believe that exposure of children to media violence is harmful. For the purposes of this paper, I will limit the definition of (mass) media to television, and, subsequently, violent (mass) media to television programs that contain violent acts. By children, I will be referring to people of age 18 and below who live in the U.S., since this group is the focus of the majority of the research data that I have used. I will begin my argument by acknowledging a counter argument to my position. I will then go on to discuss the negative effects of television on children. These effects include an increase in aggressive tendencies and an instilling of the idea that violence will go unpunished. Also included are the concepts of desensitization and stimulus addiction. Finally, I will discuss some potential solutions to the problem of television violence affecting our children. Granted, people are correct in saying that television violence has been around for decades. In fact, public violence has been around for centuries. In ancient times, many cultures made gruesome public executions or sacrifices. During the Middle Ages, entire villag... ...per impact than you realize. And what respectable parents would want their child to end up reenacting a scene from HBOà ­s Oz on his or her classmates? Works Cited American Psychiatric Association. "Psychiatric Effects of Media Violence." (17 Oct. 2000). Berkebile, Nicole, Julie Newman, and Susan Parker. "The Effects of Television on a Childà ­s Development." 1995. (17 Oct. 2000). Fox, James A. "Trends in Juvenile Violence: 1997 Update." 1997. (17 Oct. 2000). Skeesis. "The Tragedy at Columbine High." 17 May 1999. (17 Oct. 2000). "Video Game Violence." Feb. 2000. (17 Oct. 2000).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Otec Environmental Sciences Essay

The oceans cover a little more than 70 per centum of the Earth surface. This makes it the universes largest solar energy aggregator and energy storage system. On an mean twenty-four hours, 60 million square kilometres if tropical seas absorb and sum of solar radiation equal in heat content to about 250 million barrels of oil. The history of world, have depended upon its ability to suppress the forces of nature, and to use these forces to function its demands. Energy engineering is surely one of the most of import factors in the outgrowth of world as the dominant species of this works. The innovation of the practical steam engine by James W, brought about development of big mills, steam ships and the steam engine. First wood was used, so coal. About the same clip, the usage of coal instigated progresss in metallurgy.petroleum from natural ooze has been used since ancient times for lighting, lubrication and sealing. The debut of boring for oil greatly increased the supply of oil. The i ndustrial revolution switches in to high cogwheel. One job is that the natural ooze is limited and in a few old ages the elements will be used. The development of atomic power was touted as the replies to all world ‘s energy sufferings. It non turned out that manner. The riddance of authorities subsidies for atomic power workss has made them rather unaffordable. When it went so bad no insure in the universe will compose catastrophe for atomic power works The construct of OTEC ( ocean thermal energy transition ) has existed for over a century as fantasised by Jules Verne in 1870 and conceptualised by Gallic physicist, Jacques arsene 500 arsonval in 1881. Despite this an operating OTEC power installation was non developed until the 1920 ‘s. 2.2 WHAT IS OTEC OTEC, ocean thermic energy transition is an energy engineering that converts solar radiation to electric power. OTEC systems use the ocean ‘s natural thermic gradient, accordingly the temperature difference between the warm surface H2O and the cold deep H2O below 600 meters by about 20'c, an OTEC system can bring forth, a significantly sum of power. The oceans are therefore a huge renewable resource ; with the potency to assist us in the OTEC procedure is besides rich in foods and it can be used to civilization both marine being and works life near the shore or on land The entire inflow of solar energy into Earth is of 1000s of clip as a great as world entire energy usage. All of our coal, oil and natural gas are the consequence of the gaining control of solar energy by life of the yesteryear. There have been, any undertakings for tackling solar energy, but most have non been successful because they attempt to capture the energy straight. The thought behind OTEC is the usage of all a natural aggregators, the Se, alternatively of unreal aggregator. 2.3 HOW OTEC WORKS Warm H2O is collected on the surface of the tropical ocean and pumped by a warm H2O pump. The H2O is pumped through the boiler, where some of the H2O is used to heat the working fluid, normally propane or some similar stuff. The propane vapor expands through a turbine which is coupled to a generator that bring forthing electric power. Cold H2O from the underside is pumped through the capacitor, where the vapor returns to the liquid province. The fluid is pumped back into the boiler. Some little fraction of the power from the turbine is used to pump the H2O through the system and to power other internal operations, but most of it is available as net power. There are two different sorts of OTEC power workss, the land based and the natation works. First, land based power workss, the land based pilot works will dwell of a edifice. This edifice will incorporate the heat money changers, turbines, generators and controls. It will be connected to the ocean via several pipes, and an tremendous fish farm ( 100 football countries ) by other pipes. Warm H2O is collected through a screened enclosure near to the shop. A long pipe laid on the incline collects cold H2O. Power and fresh H2O are generated in the edifice by the equipment. Used H2O if first circulated in to the marine civilization pool ( fish farm ) and so discharges by the 3rd pipe in to the ocean, downstream from the warm H2O recess. This is done so that the escape does non reenter the program, since rhenium usage of warm H2O would take down the available temperature difference. While, the other OTEC power workss is drifting power workss, the drifting power works works in the same mann er as the land based the evident different is that the natation works is drifting. Where really OTEC can be used, OTEC can be sited anyplace across about 60 million squares kilometers of tropical oceans anyplace there is deep cold H2O lying under warm surface H2O this by and large means between the tropic of malignant neoplastic disease and the tropic of Capricorn. Surface H2O is these parts, warmed by the Sun, by and large stys at 25 grades Celsius or supra. Ocean H2O more than 1000 metres below the surface is by and large at approximately 4 grades C.2.4 TYPES OF OTECThere are three types of OTEC designs: unfastened rhythm, closed rhythm and intercrossed rhythm.Closed rhythm Closed rhythm systems use unstable with a low boiling point, such as ammonium hydroxide, to revolve a turbine to bring forth electricity. Here how it works. Warm surface sea H2O is pumped through a heat money changer where the low boiling H2O point is vaporized. The spread outing vapor turns the turbo generator, so ball, deep saltwater pumped through a 2nd heat money changer condenses the vapor back into a liquid, which is so recycle through the system Open rhythm Open rhythm OTEC uses the tropical oceans warm surface H2O to do electricity. When warm saltwater is placed in a low force per unit area container, it boils. The spread outing steam drives a low force per unit area turbine attached to an electrical generator. The steam, which has left its slat behind in the low force per unit area container, is about pure fresh H2O. It is condensed back into a liquid by exposure to cold temperature from deep oceans H2O Hybrid rhythm Hybrid system combines the characteristic of both the closed rhythm an unfastened rhythm system. In a intercrossed system, warm saltwater enters a vacuity chamber where it is brassy evaporated into steam, similar to the unfastened rhythm vaporization procedure. The steam vaporizes a low boiling point fluid that drives a turbine to bring forth electricity2.5 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF OTECThe advantages of OTEC is the utilizations OF OTEC is clean, renewable, its natural resource. Warm surface saltwater and cold H2O from the ocean deepnesss replace fossil fuels to bring forth electricity. Second, its appropriately designed OTEC workss will bring forth small or no C dioxide or other pollutant chemical Third, OTEC system can bring forth fresh H2O every bit good as electricity. This is a important adapted in island countries where fresh H2O is limited, other there is adequate solar energy received and stored in the warm tropical ocean ‘s surface bed to supply most, if non all, of present human energy demands and last the usage of OTEC as a beginning of electricity will assist cut down the province about complete dependance on imported fossil fuels. The disadvantages of OTEC is produced electric at present would be more than electricity generated from fossil fuels at theirs current costs. Second, OTEC workss must be located were a difference of about 20 ; degree Celsius occurs twelvemonth unit of ammunition. Ocean deepnesss must be available reasonably near to shore based installations for economics operation. Floating works ships could supply more flexibleness. Third, there is no energy company will set money in this undertaking because it merely has been tested in really smell graduated table and last, the building of OTEC workss and lying of pipes in coastal H2O may do localized harm to reefs and near shore Marine ecosystems.2.6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF OTECOTEC systems are, for the most portion, environmentally benign. Although inadvertent escape of closed rhythm working fluids can present a jeopardy, under normal conditions, the lone wastewaters are the assorted saltwater discharges and dissolved gases that come out of solu tion when sea H2O is depressurized. Although the measures of outgassed species may be important for big OTEC systems, with the exclusion of C dioxide, these species are benign. Carbon dioxide is a nursery gas and can impact planetary clime ; nevertheless, OTEC systems release one or two orders of magnitude less C dioxide than comparable dodo fuel power workss and those emanations may be sequestered easy in the ocean or used to excite marine biomass production. OTEC assorted saltwater discharges will be at lower temperatures than sea H2O at the ocean surface. The discharges will besides incorporate high concentrations of foods brought up with the deep sea H2O and may hold a different salt. It is of import ; hence, that release back into the ocean is conducted in a mode that minimizes unintended alterations to the ocean assorted bed biology and avoids bring oning long-run surface temperature anomalousnesss. Analysiss of OTEC wastewater plumes suggest that discharge at deepnesss of 50- 100 m should be sufficient to guarantee minimum impact on the ocean environment. Conversely, the nutrient-rich OTEC discharges could be exploited to prolong open-ocean Mari civilization

Alex Robbins.Durango Street

Durango Street Reading Log for Chapters 15, 16, 17 Character: Alex Robbins Alex Robbins is a social worker. His goal is to break up the gang â€Å"the moors†, but until chapter 17 he has no success. Alex Robbins is one of the main characters in the book, because he affects the gang â€Å"the moors†. In chapter 17 he is at Rufus’ home, because â€Å"The Gassers† cut the pigtail of Rufus’ sister. When Rufus comes home Alex Robbins is talking to his mother, that he wants to talk with â€Å"the Gassers† about what happened. But when Rufus asks about what happened, Alex tries to tell him a lie. But Rufus is smart and knows that he is telling a lie. After Rufus knows what happened, he is very angry and Alex sais that he wants to solve this issue, but Rufus sais that he has no idea of gangs. I think the idea of Alex is very absurd. In this case there is no way out. He can’t speak with the police, because it will make more problems. Alex also made a very inexperienced impression, when he talked the first time to â€Å"the moors†. Everybody laughed about him and he couldn’t accomplish himself. He seemed to be much untaught. He is a little bit the opposite of Rufus, who is very smart. Finally, I think Alex really wants to reach his goal to break up â€Å"the moors†, but he has to learn a lot, how to handle these guys.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Campbell Soup Essay

Company Objectives The company’s objective is to enable business and operational success through integrated world class solutions and development by utilizing the organizational restructure of the Engineering and R&D departments. Having a centralized organization with a decentralized engineering department makes meeting the company objective quite difficult. Also, if the company’s objective does not align with the department specific objectives Campbell Soup is setting their selves up for failure. Sales and Marketing are concerned with increasing market share and gaining profit, while the Plants are worried about operational performance, and Engineering is focused on individual parts of the system. In order to have a successful company objective each department must be working towards the same goal. For example, if the plants are measured based on operating results and performance, when launching a new product line we have to be flexible and put in different performance metrics and set a glide path with a specific timeline. Competing on consistent quality, time/availability (want to be the first) (want to always have it on the shelves), [ARE THEY COMPETING ON PRICE? Having a reasonable price, can’t be an expensive product but people are willing to pay a premium price?] Specific Problem Defined Currently after quite a few years of product development Plastigon is still in the process improvement stage and is not a finished program. The project team is facing difficulties involving people, processes, data, and systems. There is not a clear line of responsibility and ownership for people at the individual and group level. The development team for the Plastigon line was decentralized over the P3 and has suffered a high turnover rate of its developers. If engineers were leaving the company or project because of the amount of travel required the correct engineers were not selected for the project, or the scope of the project was not clearly defined. The knowledge that the individuals on the project possess is one of the most valuable resources, especially during the product development phase. Project management at Campbell is not a clear, identified, well-connected end to end standard process. The data collected and analyzed throughout the program could not be trusted because there were no steps in place to ensure reliability. For example, testing the production line with water instead of  the actual product gives the firm inaccurate results. There are large discrepancies in the viscosity of soup and water, and the issues you run into will be completely different. If the regulations and procedures are put in place so that test products are not shipped to customers by mistake, test products can be labeled as such. A reevaluation of what regulations are necessary needs to take place for the firm to be able to grow. It didn’t seem as though costs were allocated in standard process. The systems that are put in place need to enable people, processes and data to work for the organization. If Campbell had the right tools and methods in place to support the work that occurs in the organization, the Plastigon line would have been up and running. They had this problem because they are not familiar with how to launching a completely brand new product line. This is outside of their comfort zone and therefore it has effectively stalled the product line due to lack of interest, conflicting interests, decentralized teams, and engineering issues. Individuals were not working cross-functionally but instead they focused heavily on their specific issues instead of the overarching strategic goal. There were several communication issues between different departments because there was not a shared vision. Problems – Not having meetings. Plants not being involved. There isn’t any real data analysis in this case. We analyzed the data to prove significance in the other sections. 2. What should Elsner do about Plastigon? Alternative Strategies Elsner has a few options available to him Continue the current development plan that his predecessors have started Scrap Plastigon and move towards a container that imitates proven microwaveable products Centralize the current development plan and roll out the Plastigon line. 2. Each of these options has their pro’s and con’s. Continuing current development as planned has proven to be costly and slow, but is the most obvious route. Scrapping Plastigon will most likely guarantee a successful microwaveable container, but will prove to be unpopular due to the substantial investment in Plastigon. Centralizing the  development is the â€Å"middle option† allowing Elsner to have a more focused approach on the existing plan. This could cause more issues within Campbell because of their decentralized development teams though. Recommendation Campbell has already committed a large amount of human and financial capital, $10M, into developing the Plastigon production line. They want a return on their investment. Although they have lost the first mover advantage to other companies that have entered with shelf-stable microwavable products they still have a superior product and they can steal market share from them. Since they had a radical innovation if they came to market with a less than perfect product they would have been allowed to make changes in the future to improve on their initial product. Their strong quality reputation would not have been ruined. They need to have a batch process for this production line. The beginning of the process will be a flow shop where are the standard processes are performed but then it will be a job shop towards the end of the process where we have the cooker and incubator. In order to compete with other firms they will need to have consistent quality, and finished good inventory. The beginning of the process is the hardest because that is when toy have to program knowledge into the automated machinery but then your costs will go down because you have a low waged and narrow skilled workforce. Launch DRG now and work on Plastigon, do not fund any other programs. Right not the Plastigon margins are horrible, total cost per unit = $1.49-1.59 selling at whole price for $.85, they are not making any money. Need to reevaluate costs. 3. What can the firm learn from its experience with Plastigon? 1. Campbell’s current development process is outdated and unwieldy 2. Campbell’s competitors have more efficient product development and rollout processes 3. Campbell’s business structure (engineering, product roll out, manager incentives) is not geared towards developing the next generation of their products (disruptive technologies) 4. If Campbell is going to be competitive in future product lines it will need to restructure its company’s development process. 5. Campbell is vulnerable to new technologies taking market share away from it. Big Problem- Beyond the case (long-term) The Palastigon program can turn out to be beneficial to the Campbell Soup Company if they take the approach of levering the problems they were faced with during this period and turning them into company solutions, guidelines and safety nets. The project management process needs to be reevaluated and set process steps need to be put into place. Non-value added activities, like developing product lines without first piloting the process. They need to have process owners or strategic project managers that are responsible for project results and integration between the cross-functional team. Process innovation improvement is a key takeaway. Revisit the current state process and identify areas for development. After this new product development initiatives will be easier to launch – Management and Engineering interface Problems can lead to streamlining an effective process for the future and result in potential solutions. Project management at the individual and group level. Take the key learnings from this specific project and launch corporate wide initiatives and procedures, for effective and efficient project management.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Leadership Practices and Future Essay

This following will outline my personal leadership practices and potential future leadership. To analyze my leadership qualities I will use the Seven Habits Profile and a leadership theory to determine my strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity for improvement. In conclusion, I will determine the best recommendations for long-term improvement as well as SMART goals, or short-term courses of action, for leadership improvement. Seven Habits Profile The Seven Habits Profile revealed that I rank as outstanding in two categories, very good in six categories, and good in just one category. This seems to highlight what I am most exemplary at in terms of leadership, what I am just proficient at, and what presents itself as an opportunity for improvement. The main two strengths include having a work-life balance and being a proactive problem solver. An area of opportunity as indicated by the profile would be having the ability to synergize which is a combination of seeking the views of others and making creative decisions. The two strengths point to qualities I have constantly tried to improve upon. Earlier in my career, I was a bit of a workaholic and tended to bring work home with me. This resulted in a dismal personal life which eventually permeated negativity into my professional life as well. In light of that, over the years I have created rules for myself to remedy that initial error and in doing so this has become one of my str engths. My other strength, being proactive, stems from the lack of this quality in my current career field. More often than not it is more imperative to be reactive in my line of work.  To set myself above the rest I decided early on in my career to work on being both, as being reactive is just as important as being proactive in order to prevent conflict and deal with one once it has arisen. The category in which I rated as only good, or a possible opportunity for improvement, is synergize. I believe I scored myself low in two out of three categories because it has been an incredible weakness in the past and one I have been working on for quite some time. While I have significantly improved in this area I continually work on this factor of working better with people by seeking their input. In doing so, I rate myself harshly on this aspect, despite the progress I have made, because I am not as competent as I would like to be. My Leadership Practices Over the course of my career, I have tried to model various leadership behaviors based upon successful leaders that I have worked with or for. This has led me to incorporate different styles into my own. Considering my current leadership strengths and how I view successful leaders I will use a servant leadership theory to analyze my own competencies. Servant leaders have 9 different aspects comprised of: emotional healing, creating value for the community, conceptual skills, empowering, helping subordinates grow and succeed, putting subordinates first, behaving ethically, relationships, and servanthood (Boone & Makhani, 2005, pg. 86). The aspects of a servant leader are those that I personally value and identify with. In addition to this, it is my belief that servant leaders, because they are people oriented, are more effective in a variety of environments and situations. My Leadership Strengths In accordance with the servant leadership theory I have three main strengths that I employ in my leadership practices. The first recognized strength is my ability to develop strong working relationships with employees. This strength is best demonstrated in my practice of getting to know all of the employees on a personal basis and caring about their professional and personal lives by showing interest every day. This aspect of leadership requires a considerable amount of listening on my part and therefore assists in fostering clear communication and trust between me and the employees. According to Boone & Makhani (2005), â€Å"A vital prerequisite to servant  leadership is credibility, which is the foundation of leadership. People must believe in their leaders and know that they are worthy of trust† (Boone & Makhani, 2005, pg. 85). This establishment of trust, fostered through caring and building a sense of community within the team, lays the groundwork to being viewed as a competent leader that employees will follow with enthusiasm. In conjunction with my first strength, my second strength has been identified as the capacity to help subordinates grow and develop within their career. I have demonstrated this by mentoring employees. This has included helping them grow within their current position as well as aiding them in moving up from their current level within the organization. This aid is often in the form of teaching, listening, and giving them my insight to what I have observed within the organization in concern to both reviews of work and job promotions. Development of employees has to be a quality that is purposefully demonstrated consistently and not just when an employee asks for help. This requires a regular effort on the part of the leader of a team. In order to help an employee in this aspect a lea der has to know employees on a basic fundamental level. The leadership practice of aiding in an employees’ career growth cannot be effectively engaged without the insight gained by the understanding and communication gained through the aforementioned practice of getting to know your employees. Developing the people in your workforce builds skills and confidence and in turn increases and maintains a high level on morale. Along with caring about employees through getting to know them it is imperative that a leader show they care about the person and their future. Consistent with Hamilton & Nord as cited by Caldwell, Dixon, Floyd, Chaudoin, Post, & Cheakas (2012), servant leadership has been defined as ‘‘providing leadership that focuses on the good of those who are being led and those whom the organization serves’’ (Hamilton & Nord as cited in Caldwell, Dixon, Floyd, Chaudoin, Post, & Cheakas, 2012, pg. 180). Assisting an employee up through the career ladder demonstrates that the leader cares about each emp loyee’s future both on a personal and professional level. The third strength I have identified in my leadership practices, conducting myself ethically as a leader, relates to the first two strengths. I have established this strength by holding myself visibly to a higher standard than the organization I work for requires of me. This often involves a great amount of transparency with my work  processes and what decisions I make. I conduct myself in a manner that is viewed as beyond reproach. In addition to setting an appropriate example for employees behaving ethically allows trust to be established. If a decision or action were ever called into question my openness on honesty in matters would quickly dispel any thought of impropriety on my part. If a leader failed to obey the rules, no amount of caring, communication, or helping associates would build a sense of trust from the followers’ point of view. According to Parris and Peachey (2013) , â€Å"Whereas other leadership theories are traditionally defined only by what the leader does, servant leaders are defined by their character and by demonstrating their complete commitment to serve others† (Parris & Peachey, 2013, pg. 379). A leader’s style and effectiveness are defined by one’s character and is therefore defined by their actions and the ethics that govern their actions. My Leadership Weaknesses I have three main areas of opportunity for improvement in my leadership practices. While they are not complete deficiencies, or lacking, they require development to form a balanced leadership approach. My first weakness is a lacking of showing thoughtfulness or understanding with subordinates personal concerns. While this is not always the case, when I fail at this point is often because I am putting the organization first and failing to completely listen to an employee’s point of view concerning a specific subject matter. This often occurs when an associate is upset about a new organizational policy. Because I do not adequately listen to the associate’s point of view I fail in showing understanding and simply state to the employee that the policy must be followed. While this in an infrequent occurrence, when it does transpire it often leaves the employee to feel that I do not care about them and they in turn give the impression that they would be reluctant to come to m e with other issues that I could assist with. These perceptions degrade lines of communication and trust to an extent that negatively impacts how I may viewed as a leader and how my subordinates may, or may not, perform while working with me. The second leadership weakness I have pinpointed is that in certain situations I do not put employees first. When a new or big project is to be completed I do not always seek input from subordinates because of time constraints. In all  actuality their viewpoints on how these projects are to be done would likely decrease the time needed to accomplish the task. However, when I failed at seeking their input only my ideas are carried out, which may not be the most efficient way, and the employees feel that their views do not matter which fails to motivate or inspire fast and effectual performance. Therefore this failure leads to a demoralized team that negatively impacts not only the current project but future tasks as well. My third weakness as a leader is that I fail to empower subordinates concerning specific kinds of tasks on a consistent basis. This occurrence is typically the result of performance constraints on my end leading me to not help employees by showing them how to complete certain tasks. Instead I often do these tasks on my own so that I know they are done right and in a timely manner. By not always allowing employees to do these tasks, or helping them improve on these tasks they do not get a chance to grow within their position by mastering certain aspects of their job. This causes friction between me and employees as they perceive my actions to be a lack of trust or faith in their abilities. This weakness, like the first two, also contributes to a decrease in morale because the employees question my judgment or because they lack confidence in their abilities because I doubted them. Recommendations for Leadership Development To address my weaknesses, it is necessary to alter my leadership practices to be more congruent with the servant leadership style. All following recommendations for changes in my leadership practices will be a move toward a more complete servant leadership style. â€Å"Servant leadership differs from other models of leadership in that it focuses on leaders meeting the needs of followers, in that, if followers are treated as ends in themselves, rather than means to an end, they will reach their potential and so perform optimally. Such an approach is found when leaders respect, value and motivate those who follow them† (McCrimmon as cited by Waterman, 2011, pg. 25). The first recommendation will be to take the time to listen to employees regardless of the situation. This will require that I use the listening skills I have developed in all situations, especially in the types of situations I have consistently failed. This remedy will prevent the decay in trust and communication th at not understanding subordinates personal concerns often causes. This increased thoughtfulness in all matters on my  part will foster improved teamwork between myself and the team instead of hindering performance with decreased morale caused misunderstandings. The second recommendation change to my leadership practices is to seek input from employees on all tasks that involve them. A change in the practice would seek to prevent employees from feeling disenfranchised by having to complete work as dictated to them rather than doing tasks in a manner in which they believe is best for the work style that will still end with the same desired result. This change will garner an increased enthusiasm in daily task as well as the larger goals by giving employees a sense of ownership in their work. Gaining input and insight into how things are done will also add the possibility of increased efficiency and expediency in daily tasks by giving control to task experts who perform these regularly and have insight on how to improve. The increased performance coupled with an increased sense of trust will also seek to increase and maintain a healthy level of employee morale. The third recommended improvement to my leadership practices will be to challenge employees with new types of tasks and grow their skill sets to build performance, enthusiasm, and job satisfaction. When giving employees new challenges I also need follow up during and after their tasks to give constructive criticism and offer additional training if indicated. This alteration to my current practices will also prevent the erosion in trust my seemingly lack of faith in the past has had on employees and the team. This change to my practices will lead to greater employee skill set development and an added confidence within team members. SMART Goals To hasten my leadership development in a measurable method I am setting two SMART goals to accomplish within the next two weeks. The first goal is to set aside time to talk with each employee to ascertain what short and long term goals they have within the organization. I will also discuss with them what skill sets they believe they lack that is preventing them from moving to the next level. I will then assign tasks to each employee that seeks to build the desired skill set of each person. I will monitor their progress and give feedback as necessary. At the end of the two week period I will follow up again with each employee to ask them what they thought about the process, if they learned anything from doing new activities, and what, if  any, new tasks or skills they would like to learn or hone to further their career goals. The second goal will be to hold small team meetings, or huddles as we call them in the organization I work for, and gain the opinions and insights from employees on current changes within the organizations. I will guide the meetings and help employees choose how certain objectives will be met and how they might influence accomplishing long-term goals. Within reason, I will set into motion the employees plans and suggestions. At the end of the two week period I will again hold a series of huddles to discuss our accomplishments based upon the changes the employees have planned and further adjustments we could make to improve processes to these changes. I am optimistic that through the accomplishment of these two goals employees will feel more involved and valued within the organization. These immediate changes will also seek to build trust within my leadership and the organization. This improvement will further open up the lines of communication and reestablish a better sense of teamwork, as I will also be seen as part of the team in addition to its leader. These achievements will boost performance for both long and short-term objectives while increasing the teams’ morale. References Boone, L. W., & Makhani, S. (2012). Five Necessary Attitudes of a Servant Leader. Review Of Business, 33(1), 83-96. Retrieved from: Caldwell, C., Dixon, R., Floyd, L., Chaudoin, J., Post, J., & Cheokas, G. (2012). Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence. Journal Of Business Ethics, 109(2), 175-187. Retrieved from: Parris, D., & Peachey, J. (2013). A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership Theory in Organizational Contexts. Journal Of Business Ethics, 113(3), 377-393. Retrieved from: Waterman, H. (2011). P rinciples of ‘servant leadership’ and how they can

Friday, September 13, 2019

Symbolism in The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King Essay

Symbolism in The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King - Essay Example Mostly fairytales apart from the original story have to tell the other stories as well. The writers of the fairytales use some symbols to take the simple narrative to a higher level where it unravels some cosmic realities. Symbol is something which stands for something else. Generally concrete objects are used as symbols to conceptualize the abstractions. Symbols are born out of the connotative meanings of the words and are used by the skilled writers to highlight the abstract concepts. The novel The Eyes of Dragon, though apparently a fairytale, employs certain symbols and involves archetypal characters like Flagg (the incarnate evil: the offspring of the infernal serpent). The very age of Flagg suggests that he is more than a human character. The timelessness he enjoys makes him a symbolic character. Peter represents the archetypal innocent hero always beguiled by a near one (Thomas). Archetypes are actually the symbols that recur in literary depiction and are the offspring of huma n unconscious. Northrop Frye () and Jung contend that human unconscious has a stock of images or symbols that are shared by all and have some sort of cosmic significance. The symbol of Eyes of the dragon is a stock symbol used traditionally to distinguish between good and evil. Koch (2003) declares that The Symbol of Dragon’s Eye belongs to ancient Germanic tradition. ... It also stands for balance of power, love and wisdom. In King’s novel it relates to the mystery and also acts as the crystal ball through which u can see the see the truth. Thomas sees Flagg poisoning his father through Eyes of dragon. Thomas heeded Flagg's advice not to go often, but he did use the passageway from time to time, and peeked at his father through the glass eyes of Niner-peeked into a world where everything became greeny-gold. Going away later with a pounding headache (as he almost always did), he would think:Your head aches because you were seeing the way dragons must see the world-as if everything was dried out and ready to burn ( King , p. 78). The animals in the Novel (their symbolic significance) The animals in the novel have symbolic significance. The animal kingdom is represented in many instances from dogs to dragons and all of them have symbolic significance. Animals can be divided in to two groups: one belonging to evil and other belonging to good. Anim als related to Flagg are the harbingers of evil and destruction while animal of the good group represent faithfulness. Frisky represents the archetypal guide soothsayer who brings the protagonists to their required destination. According to Michael Peebles (n.d.) animals related to Flagg are the symbols of his evil designs for the kingdom. He means corruption to the Kingdom and the animals are the instruments that bring this corruption. The dragon is on such example and another example is the hawk.† Frisky The dog is the cosmic symbol of faithfulness and in Christianity takes the role of guide. Frisky, with his noble nose helps in locating the exact place where Dennis, son of Brandon has gone to from Peyna’s farmhouse. The Dragon